Wounded Angel Goddess of Commitment and Truth
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Souleart Wounded Angels

We are all "wounded angels", and we are stronger and more beautiful for the things we have been through in our lives -- those painful times that have forged, shaped and made us who we are today. Michelle creates these angels to remind us of this.

For inquiries, call the artist at 303 623-3703 or email info@souleart.com.

Shown at Left: Angel Goddess of Commitment and Truth (Garnet and Amethyst). $110.

Wounded Angel Goddess of Truth, Commitment and Grounding
Angel Goddess of Truth, Commitment and Grounding (Pearl, Garnet and Turquoise). $110.

Wounded Angel Goddess of Trust, Dreams and Devotion
 Angel Goddess of Trust, Dreams and Devotion (Jade, Amethyst and Stand).


To order, call the artist at 303 623-3703 or email:


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Photography by R.R. Jones Photography

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 Copyright 2004-2021 Michelle Soulé. All Rights Reserved.